
News from the union.

Latest news

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Springer Nature pay dispute ends

The union and Springer Nature have issued a joint statement as the two sides reach an agreement.

02 July 2024
Michelle Stanistreet
Michelle Stanistreet announces she will stand down as NUJ general secretary

“It has been, and continues to be, a privilege to work for the NUJ” says the first woman in the union’s history elected to the post.

01 July 2024
Response to RTÉ crisis must not undermine public services values

The NUJ has challenged the philosophy underpinning the five-year strategy for RTÉ announced this week.

30 June 2024
Informal shot of Alasatair Robertson with his dog and book Robertson's Guide to Field Sports in Scotland.
Tribute to NUJ member Alastair Robertson 1948-2024

Tim Dawson recalls the joie de vivre and talent of his colleague on the Sunday Times in Scotland, and his role in the long and bitter Aberdeen Journal...

29 June 2024

See all news

Reach news

Reach AGM 2024
NUJ quizzes board at Reach AGM

The year of unprecedented job cuts, development of AI and the “strains and stress” for Reach journalists of trying to produce quality journalism were ...

02 May 2024
Reach journalists vote to accept five per cent pay deal

Following negotiations with the publisher, journalists at Reach plc have voted overwhelmingly in favour of the 2024-2025 pay offer.

07 March 2024
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Reach scores own goal by cutting women’s football coverage 

NUJ repeats its concern over cuts to sports coverage by the publisher.

21 December 2023

All Reach news

Irish Future of Media Commission news

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DM2023: News Recovery Plan

Initiatives promoting public interest journalism and broadcasting were discussed and Siobhan Holliman moved a motion on the Future of Media Commission...

29 April 2023
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Focus on future at Irish seminar

A major seminar on the future of journalism in Ireland, hosted by the Irish Executive Council has been rescheduled and will take place on on Saturday ...

13 September 2022
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NUJ slams government decision to reject broadcasting reforms

Séamus Dooley, NUJ Irish Secretary, issues a statement on the publication of the report of the Future of Media Commission and the Irish government's r...

12 July 2022

All Future of Media Commission news

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NUJ condemns as abhorrent Iran’s “convictions” of 44 journalists working on Persian-language media outlets 

The union calls for action to be taken against Iran following revelations that the Tehran Revolutionary court in absentia tried the journalists on the...

22 February 2024
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Iran: journalists threatened by prison authorities

Women journalists among the first to cover Mahsa Amini’s death have received further restrictions whilst imprisoned.

11 January 2024
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NUJ statement on assassination plot of Iran International journalists

Union response to new details of a plan by Iranian authorities to kill UK-based journalists.

21 December 2023

All Iran news

Local News Matters

Hands off our BBC
Oxford council signs motion opposing cut to local BBC TV bulletin

The city councillors say the BBC's plan to end TV bulletins from the city will undermine local democracy and older viewers’ ability to receive news on...

16 August 2022
DM2021: Future of the Media

Campaigns to support local journalism, a review of newspaper business models, Local Democracy Reporters and support for academic publishers

21 May 2021
Local news matters 1
NUJ joins calls to protect planning notices in local newspapers

Loss of the notices would cost the industry £10m. Proposals to scrap them are contained in the government's Planning for the Future White Paper.

25 September 2020

All Local News Matters news

DM2021 news

Gary Younge & Saadeya Shamsuddin
DM2021: Tributes paid to Members of Honour 

The union’s latest Members of Honour – Gary Younge, Aidan White and Mary Curtin – were announced to Delegate Meeting on video. 

25 May 2021
Press freedom handcuffs detail
DM 2021: Late notice motions (international)

DM agreed motions on media freeedom, Palestine and Black Lives Matter

23 May 2021
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DM2021: Covid-19

Conference heard and discussed a range of motions relating to the effect of Covid-19 on members, the way they work and how the NUJ should respond.

23 May 2021

DM logo umbrella

Industrial news

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Springer Nature pay dispute ends

The union and Springer Nature have issued a joint statement as the two sides reach an agreement.

02 July 2024
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NUJ sounds warning note on RTÉ strategic plan

The union said RTÉ’s strategic plan, New Direction, will present many challenges for staff at RTÉ and must be subject to intense scrutiny and negotiat...

25 June 2024
Springer Natue picket line - sunshine and honks of solidarity
#SpringerNatureStrike: day two

Support gathers for NUJ members at Springer Nature who were back on the picket line for the second of a series of one-day strike and a work to rule in...

24 June 2024

All industrial news

Journalists' safety news

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2023 "one of the worst years" for killing of journalists says IFJ

70% of journalists' deaths in 2023 occurred in war in Gaza

14 May 2024
Yemen: Journalists’ union leader survives a shooting in capital Sana’a

Mohammed Shubaita injured and his cousin killed in attack

08 May 2024
Dublin vigil IWMD 2024
Dublin vigil for slain journalists

Members of the NUJ gathered on the steps of the Hugh Lane Galley in Dublin’s Parnell Square on Monday 29 April to remember the journalists killed in t...

30 April 2024

All journalists' safety news

Union news

Digital News Report reveals declining news interest

Research by the Reuters Institute for Journalism reveals UK audience interest in news has dropped by almost half since 2015, although trust in public ...

17 June 2024
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Life members celebrated in Dublin

Tribute also paid to first Irish Secretary Jim Eadie

03 May 2024

All union news


Informal shot of Alasatair Robertson with his dog and book Robertson's Guide to Field Sports in Scotland.
Tribute to NUJ member Alastair Robertson 1948-2024

Tim Dawson recalls the joie de vivre and talent of his colleague on the Sunday Times in Scotland, and his role in the long and bitter Aberdeen Journal...

29 June 2024
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Tributes paid to former Rotherham Advertiser reporter and NUJ South Yorkshire Branch secretary Michele Vincent

"Kind and caring" Vincent was branch secretary for two decades

17 April 2024
George Manaton service
NUJ member who was a WWI war correspondent for The Times honoured

Members of south West NUJ branch showed their respect at a service in memory of George Aubrey Manaton, “a journalist of great promise”.

08 April 2024

All obituaries