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  • Obituaries
Tribute to NUJ member Alastair Robertson 1948-2024

Tim Dawson recalls the joie de vivre and talent of his colleague on the Sunday Times in Scotland, and his role in the long and bitter Aberdeen Journals dispute .

Informal shot of Alasatair Robertson with his dog and book Robertson's Guide to Field Sports in Scotland.

NUJ member who was a WWI war correspondent for The Times honoured

Members of south West NUJ branch showed their respect at a service in memory of George Aubrey Manaton, “a journalist of great promise”.

George Manaton service

NUJ tribute to Charlie Bird 

The funeral of Charlie Bird takes place at the Mansion House, Dublin on 14 March. The NUJ will be represented by the union’s joint vice presidents Fran McNulty and Gerry Curran, Emma O’Kelly, chair of Dublin broadcasting branch and Séamus Dooley, Irish secretary.

Charlie Bird and Seamus Dooley

12 Mar 2024
Tribute to Tom Brett

Tributes have been paid to Tom Brett, well known Kilkenny photographer and for many years a prominent member of the NUJ.

Tom Brett.jpg

23 Jan 2024
NUJ pays tribute to John Pilger, who has died aged 84

The Australian investigative journalist and film maker was a "giant of journalism".

NUJ logo (website).png

31 Dec 2023
Tribute to James Doleman

NUJ pays tribute to the outstanding reporter who has sadly died.


30 Oct 2023
Tribute to ITV Border news editor Neil Billingham, who has died aged 51

The NUJ sends condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of NUJ member and ITV Border news editor, Neil Billingham.

Neil Billingham ITV obituary

In tribute to Tony Braisby

Tony Braisby, former Morning Star sports editor and chief subeditor, and longstanding trade union journalist at Unison has died aged 63.

NUJ logo (website).png

NUJ tribute to union veteran Ken Whelan

Tributes have been paid to former NUJ activist, journalist and author Ken Whelan, who has died.

NUJ logo (website).png

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