#SpringerNatureStrike: day two
Support gathers for NUJ members at Springer Nature who were back on the picket line for the second of a series of one-day strike and a work to rule in a dispute over pay.
Picket line images
An Open Letter in support of the journalists is growing by the day and now includes actor Stephen Fry as well as 11 Nobel prize winners among the 800-plus signatories. The actor said:

The union has said it is ready and willing to meet the management at any time, but they have failed to respond to the union or ACAS the arbitration organisation.
Support the strikers
Post a message of solidarity on Instagram or X/Twitter using #SpringerNatureStrike – tag @nujofficial and we’ll repost. Email [email protected] with a message of solidarity. Find out more about the strike. The next day of action is Thursday 4 July, so go along to the picket line at Springer Nature campus at Crinian Street/Wharfdale Road, King's Cross, London. Further details tbc.
The union's Welsh Executive Council which met this weekend added its message of solidarity:
The NUJ’s Welsh Executive Council and members throughout Wales send solidarity to our colleagues at Springer Nature taking a brave and principled stand for better pay. We are behind you and call on the company to prioritise coming back to negotiations to reach a resolution.