NUJ repeats call for release of Jimmy Lai

  • 17 Mar 2025

The union has joined the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) in welcoming a statement by the UN special rapporteur on Counter-terrorism and Human Rights, urging China and Hong Kong to release Lai.

This month, professor Ben Saul, addressed the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva stating journalist Jimmy Lai’s prosecution is “directly related to his criticism of the Chinese government and his support for democracy in Hong Kong SAR.” 

Saul highlighted his concerns over the use of National Security Law to bring forward prosecutions against Mr Lai and others for exercising their rights. 

Lai, 77, is serving a five year, nine month prison term on charges of fraud for allegedly breaching the lease agreement of former pro-democracy outlet, Apple Daily. Since the forced closure of the outlet, Lai has been subjected to prolonged solitary confinement during his detention and complaints have been filed by legal representatives to the UN Special Rapporteur on torture. 

The NUJ and IFJ have repeated called for Lai’s release. The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention concluded in its report that Lai is being arbitrarily detained, and urged his unconditional release. Other calls for an end to his imprisonment include from Keir Starmer, UK prime minister. 

Anthony Bellanger, IFJ general secretary, said: 

“We strongly welcome the words of Rapporteur Saul in favor of freedom of expression and Jimmy Lai’s release and his concerns over China’s national security law. We urge China and Hong Kong to repeal the NSL and immediately and unconditionally release Jimmy Lai and all journalists who have been unlawfully and arbitrarily imprisoned. The international community must stand firm in defending the rights of journalists, who should never be silenced for simply doing their job.”

Representations were made at the UNHRC by Tatyana Eatwell, a member of the Lai’s legal team. 

She said:

“Mr Lai is accused of sedition, said to arise out of his journalism. The ordinary actions of a media owner and writer are being treated as crimes. He is also being accused of conspiracy to collude with foreign forces for discussing democracy with foreign parliamentarians and raising concern about human rights abuse. These are not crimes. These are legitimate actions protected under international law.”

Martha Spurrier, also addressing the council on 12 March, said:

“The weaponisation of the law, particularly the repressive use of national security and counter-terror laws, sees courageous truth-tellers silenced by imprisonment and prosecution. Most renowned among them is Jimmy Lai, the 77 year old journalist, democracy campaigner, media entrepreneur and founder of Apple Daily, the most popular Chinese language newspaper in Hong Kong, and a voice for democracy and freedom in the region.”

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