NUJ Informed, Issue 26, February 2019
Honk! Newsquest members on strike, Michelle Stanistreet meets Jeremy Wright, the Culture Secretary, and #MeToo and the creative industries.

News from the union's national executive:
- Honk! We're on strike
- Michelle's Message: Following a meeting with Jeremy Wright, the Culture Secretary, Michelle Stanistreet joined a DCMS round table of news organisations and academics to discuss how the NUJ can play a role in improving media literacy, so young people can learn to read news they can trust.
- Sian Jones, NUJ president, says come out fighting this February and boost the union’s membership
- We ♥ a pay rise
- #FEUdignity: make workplaces safe
- BBC T&Cs roll-out
- Encore for Irish recruitment week
- Give women a sporting chance
- Could 2019 be a break-through year for news?
- Time to make a stand
- Bob Norris: one of the NUJ's legends