NUJ Branch September 2020
Michelle Stanistreet, general secretary, reports on the virtual TUC Congress, commends members striking at Bullivant; campaign against the extradition of Julian Assange; and the joys of remote learning.

In this edition:
- Michelle Stanistreet, general secretary, reports on the virtual TUC Congress, commends members at Bullivant for their principled action and looks at the NUJ's campaigns for this autumn.
- Campaign: "Avalanche" of job losses
- Campaign: End Assange's extradition
- University Challenge: The union must find new ways to woo student journalists.
- NUJ Extra: Providing a Covid lifeline
- Remote learning: NUJ Training Scotland is now teaching members from Paris to Stornoway
- Caroline Holmes, head of the NUJ’s reps' training programme, shows how reps' skills are great for the union… and for you