NUJ Branch June 2020
Michelle Stanistreet on her evidence session on the future of journalism to members of the Lords; Dominic Blake, FoC for BBC Radio Solent, on radio’s role during Covid-19; and a report from Newcastle branch.

In this edition:
- Michelle Stanistreet, general secretary, gives an update on her work supporting members, meetings with ministers and her evidence session on the future of journalism to members of the Lords Communications and Digital Select Committee from her kitchen table.
- Scotland to tackle the tech giants?
- Campaign: Save Inside Out.
- Books: Getting the data.
- Campaign: Dominic Blake, senior reporter and FoC for BBC Radio Solent, on radio’s role during Covid-19
- Gerry Hunwick, Newcastle NUJ branch secretary, reports on how the North-East media adapted to the situation and won praise for their efforts.
- Training: Take the risk out of work.