NUJ Branch July 2020
Annabelle Collins, Health Service Journal senior correspondent, reveals what it was like to work at the sharp-end as a specialist during the pandemic and tutor Carole Holmes on how the union can be there to help colleagues avoid mental distress and solve their problems.

In this edition:
- Michelle Stanistreet, general secretary, gives an update on her work supporting members facing redundancy, government-level talks on journalist safety and a dirty deal denying our members their human rights.
- Campaign: Covid 19 cuts begin to bite
- Campaign: Support NUJ Iran International
- Annabelle Collins, Health Service Journal senior correspondent, reveals what it was like to work at the sharp-end as a specialist during the pandemic.
- Campaign: Save BBC Radio: Alex Dyke and Bethan Nimmo on why their listeners love them and why local radio matters
- Wellbeing: Tutor Carole Holmes on how the union can be there to help colleagues avoid mental distress and solve their problems.
- Training: Using lockdown to get extra skills can open doors – and the sky’s the limit.