NUJ achieves recognition at VICE UK
NUJ activists have been roundly congratulated for their efforts and success.
The NUJ has warmly welcomed the agreement enabling trade union recognition at VICE UK, giving journalists at the company a formally acknowledged, independent voice at work.
The following statement has been jointly agreed by VICE UK and the NUJ:
"The NUJ and VICE UK Ltd have reached agreement over recognition of the VICE UK NUJ chapel representing editorial, production and post-production teams. VICE UK Ltd and the VICE UK NUJ chapel thank ACAS for its assistance in facilitating discussion on this over the recent months.
"VICE UK Ltd and the VICE UK NUJ chapel look forward to engaging in a positive and mutually beneficial manner going forward."
The NUJ request for recognition at VICE UK was submitted in March 2019 and after talks at the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) yesterday, recognition has been agreed.
NUJ activists working at VICE UK have built a strong and active NUJ chapel. Today, they have been roundly congratulated for their efforts and success.
The VICE UK NUJ chapel said:
"After four months of negotiations, the VICE UK NUJ chapel is proud to have achieved voluntary recognition on 24 July 2019. This result would not have been possible without the sustained and energetic campaigning of our chapel.
"As one of the first new media organisation in the UK to achieve union recognition, we hope this outcome inspires our colleagues across the industry to unionise too – and for their managers to listen to their demands.
"We would like to thank Michelle Stanistreet, Laura Davison, and Andy Smith from the National Union of Journalists for their help every step of the way, and finally to state our continued commitment to fighting for fairness and equality for all VICE UK staff."

VICE UK chapel campaigning for recognition
© Private
Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general secretary, said:
"We're delighted to welcome this agreement. The energy and enthusiasm our reps and members at the VICE UK chapel have brought to their organising drive has been hugely impressive. Their commitment to delivering a collective voice at work is inspiring and to be congratulated."
For a trade union to be able to negotiate with an employer on behalf of any group of workers about pay and working conditions, it needs to be recognised by that employer. Now that recognition has been granted at VICE UK, representatives from the company and the union will work together to draw up a new collective agreement.