Third term for Michelle
Michelle Stanistreet has been returned unopposed to serve a third term as general secretary of the National Union of Journalists, UK & Ireland.
At the close of nominations she was the only candidate. Her re-election was confirmed at a meeting of the National Executive Council (NEC) on Thursday 13 May.
Sian Jones, NUJ president, said:
"The NEC warmly congratulates Michelle on her re-election as general secretary. At a time of enormous challenge, we have been very fortunate to have such a committed, hardworking, and innovative general secretary. Michelle's unanimous re-election reflects the high standing in which she is held across all sections of our union.
"At our on-line delegate meeting next week, we will be reviewing her comprehensive report on the NUJ's response to the Covid-19 crisis, as well as our wide-ranging industrial work and policy initiatives. That's included a major News Recovery Plan, securing keyworker status for newsgatherers reporting through the pandemic, and a significant role for the NUJ in the first ever national action plan on the safety of journalists. This is a testament to the work of the union under her stewardship. We will be charting the future of the NUJ with renewed confidence in our general secretary and her team."
Michelle Stanistreet said:
"It has been an honour to serve as general secretary. I am proud of the work of the NUJ and of the union's rich legacy. The union's strength lies in the commitment of our members, lay activists, and staff. We will continue to defend the terms and conditions of our members and to defend public interest journalism across the UK and Ireland at a time when media freedom is under threat from so many quarters. We will always stand up for journalism at local level, nationally and internationally as an independent trade union committed to the values contained in the NUJ Code of Conduct. I want to thank our activists for the work they do daily and look forward to continuing to work with them."
Michelle Stanistreet was first elected general secretary in 2011, having previously been elected deputy general secretary. She was the first woman deputy general secretary, elected in 2008, and became the first woman in the NUJ's history to be elected as general secretary in April 2011.
The NUJ delegate meeting takes place on May 21 and 22. A full programme of DM events begins on Monday May 17:

NUJ Delegate Meeting 2021
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