Leaking of RTÉ strategy “further blow to trust of staff”

  • 14 Nov 2023

Publication of RTÉ’s strategy document by way of media leaks is a further blow to the trust of staff in an organisation where morale is at an all-time low.

The National Union of Journalists supports the call by the RTÉ Trade Union Group for immediate circulation of the strategy document.

Séamus Dooley, NUJ assistant general secretary, said:

"I acknowledge that the director general wants to put his proposals in context but that ship has now sailed and the only way to allay the fears of staff is immediate release of the document. Trade unions representatives are scheduled to meet the Director General at noon ahead of the staff briefing. Both events are in danger of being an empty charade.

"We had sought earlier sight of the document, but this request was declined for reasons of confidentiality. We are gravely concerned at the scale of the proposed redundanices and will require detailed information on how it is proposed to maintain core services and the impact on staff of such drastic proposals.

"Against the backdrop of an investigation into the last Voluntary Redundancy Programme staff will be very sceptical about a new programme.

"Staff will want an assurance that there is a genuine, sustainable long plan based on clearly defined objectives that than a set of announcements aimed at securing government support for short term funding."

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