Freelance Charter
10-point charter for freelances rights and benefits.

The Covid-19 crisis has further marginalised already vulnerable freelances working across the media industry – this NUJ Freelance Rights Charter demands improved protections and benefits regardless of employment status.
Support our call for a Fair Deal for Freelances, where all freelances have the right to:
- Trades union collective bargaining to improve terms and conditions for freelances side by side with staff
- Fair written contracts free from the threat of disadvantage for asserting their rights
- Respect for their creators’ rights and unwaivable moral rights
- Equalised rights with employees including; sick pay; maternity, paternity and parental leave; unemployment benefit; full access to benefits and social securities
- Choice over how they freelance and are taxed, with an end to advance tax payments
- Work free from pressure to operate on a PAYE basis, or to incorporate, or work through umbrella companies
- Equal health and safety protections including parity of training, insurances and security provision
- Fair fees and terms, and prompt payments
- Dignity and respect at work, free from bullying, harassment or discrimination, with parity of access to grievance procedures
- Equal professional rights, including the right to protect sources, seek information and uphold ethical standards
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