Focus on future at Irish seminar
A major seminar on the future of journalism in Ireland, hosted by the Irish Executive Council has been rescheduled and will take place on on Saturday 22 October.
Places are limited so booking is necessary. Please note, changes to the format listed below and registration processes will be announced shortly.
Against the backdrop of the report of the Future of Media Commission there will be a round table discussion chaired by broadcaster and NEC member Fran McNulty and featuring keynote speakers with diverse backgrounds.

Dr Ida Milne
Under the banner, “Journalism, Not Just Busin€ess” historian Dr Ida Milne and leading campaigner for rural development Seamus Boland will join IEC Cathaoirleach Siobhan Holliman, deputy editor, Tuam Herald to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing Irish journalism, with a particular focus on regional media. Dr Milne used regional newspapers in her pioneering research on the Spanish flu and during Covid 19 epidemic was a keen observer of media coverage.
A passionate advocate for balanced regional development Seamus Boland is president of EESC Diversity Europe - European Economic and Social Committee and as CEO of Irish Rural Link is aware of the importance of local newspapers and radio to local communities.
The afternoon sessions will be devoted to employment with a particular focus on the economic conditions of journalists. In preparation for the conference the union is conducting a survey of all members in Ireland, North and South, and the results will be launched at the Athlone conference. NEC member Damien Tiernan will chair the afternoon session which will include leading NUJ activists and a special presentation on equality.
Irish members are encouraged to register by emailing [email protected]. All members are welcome to attend – you do not have to be a delegate.
Full details of the conference below:
Date: Saturday 22nd October 2022
Venue: tbc
Registration: 10.15pm
Conference opening: 11.00am sharp
11.05am Session 1 - Report on the Future of Media Commission: Blueprint or wasted opportunity?
Overview: Séamus Dooley, Assistant General Secretary/Irish Secretary
Followed by round table discussion.
12.15pm Session 2 - Journalism: Not Just Busin€ss
Panel discussion on the role of public interest journalism.
Chair: Fran McNulty, National Executive Council, NUJ
Seamus Boland, President of EESC Diversity Europe - European Economic and Social Committee, Chief Executive Officer. Irish Rural Link
Siobhan Holliman, Cathaoirleach, Irish Executive Council and member, Future of Media Commission, Deputy Editor, Tuam Herald
Dr Ida Milne, Lecturer in European History, Carlow College, Ireland, Author, Stacking the Coffins, specialist in history of medicine, media commentator and former journalist.
1.20pm Lunch
2.15pm Session 3 - Journalism Matters: Negotiating Our Future
Chair: Damien Tiernan, National Executive Council, NUJ
The Equality Agenda: Dr Laura Bambrick, Social Policy Officer, ICTU
The focus of this session will be on the union’s industrial agenda, making journalism an attractive career for staff and freelances.
3.30pm Session 4 - Building for success: Developing chapels and branches:
Fighting for Better pay: Ian McGuinness, Irish Organiser, NUJ
Stephen Corrigan, Joint FOC Connacht and City Tribune and IEC member
Ger Cunningham, Chair of Dublin Freelance Branch and IEC member
Kitty Holland, Joint MOC The Irish Times and IEC member
Kathryn Johnston, IEC and NEC member

Seamus Boland