60+ council seeks views on age discrimination at work

  • 27 Sep 2024

NUJ members are encouraged to share views with the council to inform campaigning and boost understanding on workplace age discrimination.

Unfortunately, losing out on employment opportunities - such as promotion and learning new skills - because a journalist is deemed 'past it' or too old appears to be on the increase as bosses strive to cut wage bills and prefer younger staff often seen as more amenable to their demands. These negative attitudes ignore many years of experience which can enhance the prospects of both employee and employer.

The NUJ’s 60+ council is seeking examples of age discrimination in the workplace. Anonymous submissions are welcome as the council understands why some victims of the practice do not wish to be identified, in fear of being disadvantaged further.

Send your comments to [email protected] no later than 30 October. Your views will help the council's preparation ahead of next year's Delegate Meeting. 

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