NUJ extra helps members and their dependents who have fallen on hard times

Every year the charity has helped NUJ members who, because of sickness, accident or other unforeseen circumstance, need short-term financial assistance. This includes one-off grants to help pay urgent utility bills or adjustments needed at home because of a sudden disability.
NUJ extra has met the removal costs of members who were fleeing from violent partners and provided financial support to get them back on their feet. It has helped members pay their mortgage, bought electric wheelchairs and repaired windows.
NUJ extra helps:
- NUJ members;
- former NUJ members, and;
- dependants of members/former members who have died.
Read more about those we help.
“I suffered an enormous coronary and I had multiple organ failure. It was a grim time, but NUJ Extra was there when everything else seemed bleak. I cannot overstate how important NUJ Extra was to me. It made me feel like I belonged.” Eugene Costello, freelance feature writer
NUJ extra is funded by members, branches and chapels. Branches are encouraged to make a standing order and/or hold regular fundraising events. If you already pay a standing order, remember to review it.
You can DONATE online.
You can APPLY online.
Before completing the form, read the NUJ extra guidelines. Make sure you have all your financial information to hand. You will be able to attach any specific items, such as bills or receipts. If you cannot use the online form, you will need to print off the application form and then it post to NUJ extra, Headland House, 72 Acton Street, London WC1X 9NB or email it to [email protected]:
If you have any questions regarding NUJ extra, please contact our administrator, Leyla Yusuf, on 020 7843 3738 or by email: [email protected]
Download the NUJ extra flier
NUJ extra trustees meetings for 2025:
25 February
20 May
25 September
27 November
Who we help
Current full members of the National Union of Journalists.
Former full members of the NUJ who resigned from the union when they retired or left journalism.
Dependants of deceased NUJ members, such as widows and orphans.
There are some restrictions:
- We cannot assist you if you are a temporary, student or asylum seeker member.
- Full NUJ members must have paid at least one year's contributions to the NUJ.
- Past members, we must have proof, via the NUJ's records or documentary evidence (old NUJ membership cards, NUJ life membership cards), that they paid their contributions regularly.
- We do not normally assist lapsed members, unless you can provide a reason that satisfies the trustees.
- We help current members facing short-term difficulties only. We cannot subsidise those who are unable to make a living as a journalist.
Read about members who have benefited from the charity in the Appeal of Laughter, NUJ extra publication.
Read: Handy hints for hard times.
How it works
Once NUJ extra receives your completed application form we will contact the nearest NUJ branch. If there is a local branch welfare officer, they will get in touch with you to offer assistance and they will tell us about your circumstances.
The chair of NUJ extra may be able to make a decision quickly about how best to help. We provide temporary help to most applicants, but we may offer long-term help to some dependants, making regular payments to top up their income. You can read the trustees’ guidelines at the bottom of this page. The chair's decisions must later be endorsed by the trustees.
Trustees meet four times a year. At these meetings, the trustees review recent applications and may offer further help. The trustees also review our guidelines once a year, setting the income levels we aim to provide to our long-term beneficiaries. The chair and the trustees are all volunteers, not paid staff of NUJ extra. You will be kept informed as quickly as possible.
More information on how can we help you.
- Guidelines for NUJ extra
- NUJ extra feedback policy: we welcome your feedback and suggestions - both positive and negative - so we can learn and continually improve.
- NUJ extra Statement of Investment Policy: NUJ extra aims to provide a high-quality investment service above average returns enabling the provision of grants.
- Adult dependancy guidelines
Ways to donate
Members can also donate while they shop by using whichever online charity donation method they prefer. We are registered with:
Easyfundraising has 3,700 retailers, such as M&S. John Lewis and Argos, but also includes marketplaces such as eBay and Etsy. Members can also choose NUJ Extra when Facebook suggests setting up a fundraiser. NUJ Extra is not endorsing any of these retailers, shopping schemes or social media companies. We are simply making ourselves available on as many fundraising platforms as possible.
Other helpful organisations
The Journalists' Charity
The Journalists' Charity makes grants to working, retired and former journalists working across all media sectors.
Disability Rights UK
Disability Rights UK is the leading charity of its kind in Britain, run by and for people with experience of disability or poor health.
Charity Link
The charity works throughout Leicester, Leicestershire, Rutland and Northamptonshire to help improve the lives of local people facing hardship.
George Viner Memorial Fund Trust
The fund was set up by the NUJ to address the lack of Black and ethnic minority student journalists in the UK media. The fund helps provide course fees, books or travel payments.
The Printing Charity
The Printing Charity, formerly known as the Printers’ Charitable Corporation, is the second-oldest trade charity in the country, dating back to the early 19th century. Today, it extends help to all parts of the modern graphic arts and communications sector.
The Book Trade Charity
The Book Trade Charity offers practical, emotional and financial support to anyone who works or has worked in the book trade as well as their dependants.
Grace Wyndham Goldie BBC Trust Fund
Offers help to those engaged in broadcasting, now or in the past, and their dependants.
Capability Scotland
Supports children, young people and adults with a range of disabilities. It is one of Scotland’s leading disability organisations, providing a diverse range of services including community living, day and residential care, respite/short breaks, family support and activities.
Women’s Aid
National charity working to end domestic violence against women and children. Supports a network of more than 500 domestic and sexual violence services across the UK.
Galop, the LGBT+ anti-violence charity
Support for LGBT+ people who've experienced hate crime, domestic abuse or sexual violence
Age UK
The Age UK Group works to improve later life for everyone by providing life-enhancing services and vital support.
Become a welfare officer
NUJ extra can provide training and support for members who become their branch or chapel’s welfare officer, including the NUJ extra Welfare Officer Handbook
How NUJ extra makes a difference
“At the start of the pandemic, I was given a week’s notice on a 20 week project, and didn’t have any money. Financially and emotionally, NUJ extra was a huge help. Money was in my bank account almost at once, and there was the security of knowing that there could be more support over the coming months. I will be always indebted to them.” Deidre Donnelly, TV and Radio Journalist
“I suffered an enormous coronary and I had multiple organ failure. It was a grim time, but NUJ Extra was there when everything else seemed bleak. I cannot overstate how important NUJ Extra was to me. It made me feel like I belonged.” Eugene Costello, freelance feature writer
“I fell between the cracks during the pandemic. I was left without income and have a small daughter. The difference it meant for me was that we could worry slightly less. You don’t know when you are going to be out on a limb, and NUJ Extra was a lifeline for us.” Victoria Mizzi, broadcast Journalist
“I was blown away by the generosity that NUJ Extra showed me. As a result of my former husband’s issues, I was left homeless and without most normal household items. With NUJ Extra’s help I was able to rebuild my life, look after my children and get on with my career.” Ushma Mistry, reporter and presenter
To find out how you can help you visit:
NUJ extra trustees
NUJ extra's administrator is Leyla Yusuf. Leyla can be contacted at:
Headland House,
72 Acton Street,
or on 020 7843 3738 or by email: [email protected]