Sad day for union-led skills training
Despite a desperate campaign to save the Union Learning Fund which each year supported around 200,000 workers with skills training and career development, Gavin Williamson, Education Secretary, has pulled the plug on the £12m funding.
NUJ Branch December 2020
Survey shows virtual branches have been a success, Pamela Morton, NUJ national freelance organiser, asks branches to get behind the campaign for a fairer deal for freelances and Benedict Cooper on his role as Nottingham branch’s freelance officer.
NUJ Informed, Issue 33, November 2020
Michelle Stanistreet, general secretary, gives news of latest union victories and plans for Delegate Meeting.
#SaveUnionLearning template letter (docx)
Template letter for members to lobby their MP to ask Gavid Williamson, Education Secretary, to reverse his decision to scrap the English Union Learning Fund, which, each year, supports around 200,000 workers with skills training and career development.
Campaign launched to save Union Learning
Join the campaign to get the government to reverse its decision to scrap the English Union Learning Fund, which, each year, supports around 200,000 workers with skills training and career development.