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  • TUC Disabled Workers Conference
TUC Disabled Workers' conference 2024

With the announcement of a general election on July 4, the NUJ’s motion to the TUC’s Disabled Workers’ Conference in Liverpool was timely and fully supported by delegates.

TUC Disabled Workers' conference 2024

TUC analysis reveals disabled workers are much more likely to be low paid than non-disabled workers

Around seven in 10 (69 per cent) disabled employees earn less than £15 an hour, according to the analysis of official statistics.

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11 Jul 2023
TUC Disabled Workers' Conference 2022

NUJ delegates joined trade union colleagues to set the agenda to secure decent working opportunities for disabled workers.

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Employers must turn their “ambitions” into real improvements for disabled workers

The NUJ called for the TUC Disabled Workers’ Conference to hold “employers’ feet to the fire”.

Johny Cassidy TUC Disabled Workers' Conference

Stop making menopause a taboo subject

The NUJ supported a motion at the TUC Disabled Workers’ Conference calling for workplace policies to support women going through the symptoms.

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Why reasonable adjustments must be standard and not an afterthought

The TUC must use its power to argue legislative changes to strengthen the rights of disabled workers to receive “reasonable adjustments” and for employers to be fined if they do not provide them.

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Disabled Workers' Conference 2022 Fringe

These online events are open to all

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Six in 10 Covid-19 deaths have been disabled people

Disabled workers have found themselves on the pandemic’s brutal frontline, Frances O’Grady, TUC general secretary, told the Disabled Workers’ Conference.

Frances O'Grady

11 Mar 2021