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  • TUC
Women’s TUC conference 2024

NUJ motions on the risks posed to women by AI and the dangers of “unisex” protective wear which do not fit the female form, were passed by conference.

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13 Mar 2024
Gender pay gap means women work first two months of the year unpaid

TUC analysis reveals Women’s Pay Day – the day when the average woman stops working for free compared to the average man – is Wednesday 21 February.

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Race Equality Act would be “a welcome step forward” for BME workers

The TUC statement in support of the Labour Party's proposed Race Equality Act.

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NUJ supports TUC campaign against anti-trade union law

The union voted for the TUC's statement on fighting the anti-trade union law and calls on members to support the march at Cheltenham GCHQ on on 27 January.

Right to Strike TUC logo

TUC Organising at Work

A TUC guide for trade union activists on how to build and maintain strong workplace unions

TUC Organising at Work image

06 Dec 2023
Three quarters of young workers miss out on key employment rights, TUC research has revealed

TUC says Labour’s New Deal for Working People would be “life changing” for young people by giving them rights, banning zero-hours contracts and removing age bands from the minimum wage.

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NUJ’s Disabled Members’ Council calls for industry action to address the disability pay gap

Latest analysis published by the TUC shows that non-disabled workers earn around a sixth (14.6%) more than disabled workers.

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NUJ signs open letter to Rishi Sunak ahead of AI Summit

Union joins groups warning “communities and workers most affected by AI have been marginalised by the Summit.”

Matt Kenyon ChatGTP/ artificial intelligencejpg

30 Oct 2023
TUC Congress 2023

The NUJ’s delegation joins unions in Liverpool as motions spanning workers’ rights to artificial intelligence are debated.

NUJ delegation TUC Congress 2023

12 Sep 2023
Fair Deal for Freelances

The NUJ's major campaign to fight for a better deal for freelances.

#Fairdeal4freelances pink square

24 Aug 2023

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