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  • Tim Dawson
Tribute to NUJ member Alastair Robertson 1948-2024

Tim Dawson recalls the joie de vivre and talent of his colleague on the Sunday Times in Scotland, and his role in the long and bitter Aberdeen Journals dispute .

Informal shot of Alasatair Robertson with his dog and book Robertson's Guide to Field Sports in Scotland.

‘A victory for common sense, media freedom and human decency’ says Tim Dawson

The International Federation of Journalists’ deputy general secretary reports on latest developments following news of a plea deal for Julian Assange.

Tim Dawson Julian Assange.jpg

25 Jun 2024
#IFJLondon: defending journalists and journalism in the age of AI

Misinformation, journalistic integrity and the need for regulation all featured in the panel discussion.

AI panel June 2024

19 Jun 2024
Palestine: journalists attacked by Israeli mob

The National Union of Journalists joins the International Federation of Journalists in condemning widespread attacks and violence against journalists in Jerusalem’s Old City.

IFJ website logo

10 Jun 2024
Don’t let your blower make you a sucker

Tim Dawson, NEC freelance rep, reports on NUJ Dublin’s Freelance Forum with speakers advising on keeping cybersafe, pitching stories, reporting abuse and writing a newsletter.


Police laid surveillance trap for journalists

Tim Dawson, IFJ deputy general secretary, reports from the Investigatory Powers Tribunal hearing where grave breaches by the PSNI over journalists’ surveillance and attempts to uncover a source have been disclosed.

Tim Dawson and Natasha Hirst

NUJ calls for open court judicial hearings into unlawful journalists’ surveillance

The union has strongly urged long-awaited hearings of the Investigatory Powers Tribunal into targeted covert surveillance of journalists Barry McCaffrey and Trevor Birney by UK authorities, be held in open court.

NUJ logo (website).png

Tribute to James Doleman

NUJ pays tribute to the outstanding reporter who has sadly died.


30 Oct 2023
Palestine: IFJ responds to accusations that Israel is targeting journalists in Gaza

NUJ joins concerns as the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) hears reports from Gaza that Israeli forces are targeting journalists.

NUJ logo (website).png

27 Oct 2023
Afghanistan: oppressive Taliban regime remains two years after takeover

The Taliban’s continued targeting of journalists has had a damning impact on press freedom in the country.

Afghanistan graphic - two years of Taliban rule

14 Aug 2023

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