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  • Sunday Times
Tribute to NUJ member Alastair Robertson 1948-2024

Tim Dawson recalls the joie de vivre and talent of his colleague on the Sunday Times in Scotland, and his role in the long and bitter Aberdeen Journals dispute .

Informal shot of Alasatair Robertson with his dog and book Robertson's Guide to Field Sports in Scotland.

Politicians back NUJ involvement in new Irish media commission

Cross-party politicians call for union to be represented on the new body established by the Irish government.

Future of Media Commission icon

Photographers call on News UK to ditch exploitative contract

The NUJ and The British Press Photographers' Association are calling on photographers to refuse to sign the latest News UK rights-grabbing contract.

Photographer 1

NUJ submission: The Times and The Sunday Times proposal to vary the 1981 undertakings

News UK has requested the Secretary of State accept changes to replace the undertakings agreed in 1981. The company has claimed it wants the changes to facilitate the sharing of resources across the two newspapers. The NUJ is concerned that the proposals will lead to job cuts, a decline in the quality of journalism in both papers and a subsequent decline in sales.

Downstairs at the NUJ… with Sir Harry Evans

The former Sunday Times editor had plenty to say about fake news, Facebook, Google, Donald Trump, truth and good writing in conversation with NUJ president Tim Dawson.

Harry Evans with Tim Dawson