Trade Union Week
28 April - 2 May is Ireland's trade union week, focused on building a greater movement and encouraging workers to join a union.
What can the NUJ do for you in publishing? poster
What can the NUJ do for you in publishing? recruitment poster
Real Say, Better PAy
The NUJ has achieved union recognition at PA Media.
DM2023: recruitment and retention
Highlights from the debate.
International Women's Day 2023
For #IWD2023 the NUJ says the best way to improve women’s rights in the workplace is to join the union
NUJ student recruitment toolkit
A pdf guide for chapels and branches to use and share when building student recruitment campaigns.
Protection of Sources poster a4
The NUJ supports its members in upholding the vital principle of protecting sources – a key tenet of journalism.
Making contact with students guide for branches
Many branches already have a good relationship with their local journalism college/department but, to help others forge links and encourage students to become members and get involved, this crib sheet and template letter should help.
Unions can help broadcasters reverse their “woeful” record on diversity
More women are leaving broadcasting than joining and the representation of disabled people and diversity in senior positions is woeful, according to the UK’s industry watchdog Ofcom.
Financing the future – 2021 Executive Summary
The NUJ faces a grave financial challenge, that puts at risk its ability to support members into the future.