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  • Paul Nowak
Women’s TUC conference 2024

NUJ motions on the risks posed to women by AI and the dangers of “unisex” protective wear which do not fit the female form, were passed by conference.

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13 Mar 2024
Race Equality Act would be “a welcome step forward” for BME workers

The TUC statement in support of the Labour Party's proposed Race Equality Act.

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Time to introduce mandatory disability pay gap reporting, says TUC

New Equality and Human Rights Commission report reveals disabled people continue to be at high risk of poverty.

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TUC analysis reveals disabled workers are much more likely to be low paid than non-disabled workers

Around seven in 10 (69 per cent) disabled employees earn less than £15 an hour, according to the analysis of official statistics.

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11 Jul 2023
Homophobia, biphobia and transphobia still alive in UK workplaces, says TUC report

LGBT+ workers are lowering their expectations of working life to cope with discrimination and harassment, according to a report based on interviews with a diverse range of LGBT+ people and union reps.

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TUC analysis finds BME workers are more likely to be unemployed than white workers

Black and minority ethnic women bear the brunt of this with an unemployment rate nearly three times that of white men. 

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Bold action needed to close ethnicity pay gap

The TUC and NUJ’s Black Members’ Council comment on the government’s pay guidance saying compulsory monitoring of black workers’ salaries is needed without delay.

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Gender pay gap means women work for free for two months of the year

The average woman in paid employment effectively works for free for nearly two months of the year compared to the average man in paid employment, a TUC analysis has revealed

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TUC Disabled Workers' Conference 2022

NUJ delegates joined trade union colleagues to set the agenda to secure decent working opportunities for disabled workers.

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