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  • Joe Biden
‘A victory for common sense, media freedom and human decency’ says Tim Dawson

The International Federation of Journalists’ deputy general secretary reports on latest developments following news of a plea deal for Julian Assange.

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25 Jun 2024
Assange hopeful for Biden/Albanese talks

Dominique Pradalié, president of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), met Julian Assange in Belmarsh Prison, London, for the second time on 21 October.

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23 Oct 2023
UK government must not aid US in Assange extradition efforts

The National Union of Journalists is alarmed to learn that UK police officers have approached British-based journalists, apparently seeking evidence intended to aid the prosecution of Julian Assange.

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10 Jul 2023
Human Rights Day 2021

The NUJ condemns the "sheer quantity and malice of government attacks on human rights".

NUJ statement on attacks on press during riots by Trump supporters

Democracy needs a strong, independent and plural press – otherwise the mob will win.

Donald Trump cartoon

08 Jan 2021