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  • Home Office
British government must not risk safety of journalist Ghazi Ghareeb Zorab

NUJ Parliamentary Group writes to Immigration Minister calling for a halt to the deportation of Zorab to Iraq.

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30 Jun 2023
NUJ calls on UK government to halt deportation of journalist Ghazi Ghareeb Zorab 

The NUJ has urged UK authorities to stop the deportation of a Kurdish journalist facing threats to his safety if returned to Iraq.  

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29 Jun 2023
Inquiry finds undercover police actions were unjustified

Report published by the Undercover Policing Inquiry reveals actions by officers would have been brought to a rapid end had they been publicly known.

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29 Jun 2023
NUJ co-signs open letter to the Home Office urging support for Afghan journalists

The union has joined groups in asking the Home Secretary to provide clarification on support available for Afghan journalists in danger.

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06 Mar 2023
Four in five journalists have experienced threats and violence at work

Over one in three female respondents said they do not feel safe operating as a journalist in the UK, a government survey has found.

NUJ calls for public interest defence for unauthorised disclosures

Union warns the Home Office plans are a severe threat to journalism

23 Jul 2021
UK government conflates journalism and espionage in latest Home Office consultation

The proposals on which the government is consulting create clear new detriments for journalists and journalism.


19 Jul 2021
NUJ asks journalists and media outlets to respond to official secrets reform

The union has urged media organisations and journalists to respond to the latest Home Office consultation setting out proposals to update the existing official secrets and espionage laws.

Journalists asked to give evidence of threats to their safety 

The UK government is inviting journalists to give evidence to the National Committee for the Safety of Journalists so it can put in place measures to make sure they can operate free from threats and violence. 

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02 Jun 2021

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