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  • High Court
High Court grants Julian Assange permission to appeal extradition to the United States

The National Union of Journalists has welcomed the High Court’s judgment granting Julian Assange victory in his case requesting leave to appeal extradition to the United States.

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Assange’s appeal application

Tim Dawson, the IFJ’s deputy general secretary, reports on the WikiLeaks founder’s appeal against extradition to the United States.

Tim Dawson at Assange hearing February 2024

NUJ reacts to High Court judgment on BBC pension scheme rules

The union welcomes the High Court's judgment on the BBC’s application to seek a ruling on the correct interpretation of one of the Pension Scheme Rules.

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Arron Banks loses two libel claim challenges in appeal case against Carole Cadwalladr

The court of appeal has upheld only one claim brought by multimillionaire Arron Banks over damage to his reputation from content in a TED talk.

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01 Mar 2023
NUJ welcomes high court decision in libel case against Carole Cadwalladr

Today's judgment is a win for public interest journalism and press freedom.

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13 Jun 2022
NUJ welcomes decision by High Court in SLAPPs case

The majority of a legal claim targeting Swedish journalists, filed in London by Swedish businessman Svante Kumlin, has been dismissed. 

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High Court decision allows Liberty's "Snoopers' Charter" challenge to proceed to appeal

Victory is welcomed by the NUJ following concerns over the protection of journalists and their sources

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Historic victory for all journalists, says NUJ

The judgment on No Stone Unturned case endorsed the protection of sources and NUJ code

Trevor Birney and Barry McCaffrey