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  • Artificial Intelligence
#IFJLondon: defending journalists and journalism in the age of AI

Misinformation, journalistic integrity and the need for regulation all featured in the panel discussion.

AI panel June 2024

19 Jun 2024
Digital News Report reveals declining news interest

Research by the Reuters Institute for Journalism reveals UK audience interest in news has dropped by almost half since 2015, although trust in public service broadcasters in the UK and Ireland remains.


EU AI act approved by European parliament

NUJ welcomes approval of the EU AI Act requiring technology platforms to adhere to regulations on the use and development of artificial intelligence.


NUJ submission to the House of Lords Communications and Digital committee Future of News inquiry

Union views on the role of artificial intelligence, impartiality and trust in news and necessary changes to the Media Bill are among themes discussed in our evidence.


21 Feb 2024
Exploring the NUJ code of conduct 

Protection of sources, accuracy and artificial intelligence were focal points in the NUJ Ethics council webinar.  

NUJ logo (website).png

08 Feb 2024
NUJ submission to the Communications and Digital Committee call for evidence on large language models

Strong regulatory frameworks with sanctions for AI firms when rights breaches occur, is just one of the union's calls to government on artificial intelligence. The NUJ has expressed its grave concern over the scraping of content without due regard for the moral rights and copyright of jorunalists.

02 Feb 2024
AI developers must not violate copyright law or use works without permission

NUJ welcomes House of Lords report urging action to ensure the protection of rightsholders.

Matt Kenyon ChatGTP/ artificial intelligencejpg

Copyright for journalists and writers

This booklet is for people who are trying to make a living by creative work, particularly journalism.

Cover: Copyright for journalists and writers

Palestine: Israeli drone strike kills Palestinian journalists in Gaza

NUJ calls for an end to Israel's targeting of journalists, as the death toll of Palestinian media workers in the ongoing Israel-Gaza war rises.

NUJ logo (website).png

09 Jan 2024
NUJ photographers’ council condemns lack of transparency with Gen-AI images 

Images of the Israel-Hamas war generated using artificial intelligence without clear labelling risk the erosion of public confidence in photography.

NUJ logo (website).png

09 Nov 2023

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