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  • Newspapers
Tribute to NUJ member Alastair Robertson 1948-2024

Tim Dawson recalls the joie de vivre and talent of his colleague on the Sunday Times in Scotland, and his role in the long and bitter Aberdeen Journals dispute .

Informal shot of Alasatair Robertson with his dog and book Robertson's Guide to Field Sports in Scotland.

Evening Standard to launch weekly newspaper as daily edition ends

The NUJ is urging the title to ensure journalists' job security as proposals to end the daily paper is announced.


29 May 2024
Equal pay and the gender pay gap

A yawning gender pay gap favouring men has been revealed in recent years by media companies forced to publish data under new regulations.

Gender Pay Gap logo

14 May 2024
Media organisations’ Gender Pay Gap 2023/4

All companies with more than 250 employees must file data comparing men and women’s average pay across their organisation, the number of men and women in the highest paid bands and who gets a bonus.

10 May 2024
Police Service of Northern Ireland regularly spied on numerous journalists

Investigatory Powers Tribunal hears police accessed data of those writing critical stories about the force

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New journalists' safety tracker to help monitor SLAPPS

NUJ reveals aim to gather more data about incidents of 'lawfare'

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Life members celebrated in Dublin

Tribute also paid to first Irish Secretary Jim Eadie

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