NUJ Christmas hours & emergency legal numbers, 2024
The NUJ will close for the Christmas and New Year break at close of business 1PM on Tuesday 24 December. We will reopen the London and Irish offices on Thursday 2 January and the Scottish office on Friday 3 January.
Launch of SCOOP to help freelance journalists
New 'one-stop shop' set up to pay creators for secondary use of their work online
NUJ marks International Day of Disabled People
Call to journalists to recognise barriers that exclude
NUJ marks World Mental Health Day with solidarity and practical support
Focus on mental health as a workplace issue
Media organisations’ Gender Pay Gap 2023/4
All companies with more than 250 employees must file data comparing men and women’s average pay across their organisation, the number of men and women in the highest paid bands and who gets a bonus.
TUC Organising at Work
A TUC guide for trade union activists on how to build and maintain strong workplace unions