Displaying 9 results
Making ageism old news: an Age Scotland media guide to reporting on older people
Age Scotland's new report aims to help stakeholders, including politicians and the media, improve how they talk about older people by avoiding ageist ...

Reporting poverty: a guide for media professionals
This guide is for journalists who want to report on these complex issues accurately, sensitively and powerfully.

NUJ ethics and protocols for social media (2021)
Social media is a great source of news and features, both providing new and interesting contacts, showing trends of public interest and identifying po...

Media guidelines: reporting on Muslims and Islam
Ethical reporting guidelines produced by the Scottish parliament’s Cross Party Group (CPG) on tackling Islamophobia and endorsed by the NUJ.

Media guidelines: reporting on Muslims and Islam summary
Summary pamphlet of guidelines produced for the those working in any form of media, including print, broadcast and digital by the Scottish parliament’...

Reporting Restrictions in the Criminal Courts (revised May 2016)
This guide, now in its third edition, is a practical guide for judges and the media on the statutory and common law principles which should be applied...

Reporting on refugees - NUJ Ireland & UNHCR guidance
Asylum and immigration remain controversial, newsworthy topics about which people have strong opinions.

NUJ guidelines for reporting mental health and death by suicide
A practical guide for journalists by the National Union of Journalists.

Race reporting guide
Guidelines for journalists to follow when dealing with race relations.