
Get involved in the NUJ's Equality Council campaign to make job recruitment fairer and end those job adverts saying "competitive salary" and join an expert panel.

Too many job adverts do not include the salary, and research shows this disadvantages women, disabled workers and black and minority ethnic workers.


Come the job interview it isn’t unusual to find yourself negotiating your starting salary. If you start low, this can affect your future earnings.

That is why the NUJ is working with other organisations such as the recruitment company Liberty Hive to lobby for companies to provide a guide to the salary offered and to outlaw asking questions about people’s previous salaries.

Join an expert panel including:

Chair Natasha Hirst, NUJ president.

  • Cristina Lago, joint chair of the NUJ's Equality Council.
  • Kim Johnson MP, member of the NUJ's Parlimentary Group who will also talk about how the Labour's New Deal will work for women and disadvantaged groups in the workplace.
  • Kate Merritt, co-founder of Liberty Hive, the tech led talent platform.

Find out more about #ShowUstheMoney