Joining the NUJ is simple, just fill in the online form and send it in. You will need to know your current pay (and how much of it is from journalism) and your bank account details to complete the form.

If you are a member of staff, you will need to provide a copy of your payslip. If you are a freelance journalist, you will need to supply evidence of recent work, invoices for that work, and a copy of the bank statement showing the invoice being paid.

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For details of the subscription rates, see How much will it cost?

If you're not sure if you're eligible, see Who can join?

For insight into benefits, see Membership benefits

If you need some more persuading, read on…

Reasons to join

Reasons to join the NUJ








The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Is the voice of journalism in the UK and Ireland for all media, communications and PR workers.

The NUJ represents staff and freelances working in newspapers, news agencies, broadcasting, magazines, online, book publishing, social media, copy writing and as photographers and illustrators.











It pays to be in the NUJ. In the past year – in deals that exclude collective pay awards – the NUJ secured more than £9million for its members; that's £25,000 every single day. The union negotiates on pay, freelance rates, pension terms, salary structures and paid holidays.

It pursues companies over copyright infringements and non-payment of wages and fees. It wins equal pay cases and backdated salary, pension contributions, and pay-rises.

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Ending the Gender Pay Gap

Gender pay








A Press Gazette analysis showed that 91 per cent of UK media companies paid men more than women and 85 per cent of men got better bonuses and it's a similar picture in Ireland.

One magazine group's gap was almost 37 per cent. Opaque, unfair pay structures and unlawful sex discrimination are contributing factors. The NUJ negotiates on transparent pay structures, progressive work-life balance policies, better maternity and paternity deals and fair recruitment procedures.

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Press Freedom

Press freedom








The NUJ lobbies for journalists' rights so you can protect your sources, have editorial independence and do your job safely and freely, without censorship from the state.

As a member of the International Federation of Journalists we are part of a 600,000-strong community working to ensure the safety of media workers across the globe, fighting for freedom of information, open government and plurality of the media.

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Ethical Journalism

Ethical journalism









The NUJ's code of conduct sets the benchmark for the profession's standards. The NUJ stands for responsible reporting and ethical behaviour across the media and public relations. It argues for press plurality, journalists' rights and supports public interest and investigative journalism.

Democracy, whether at a local or international level, depends on a media that is trusted and properly resourced – and a union which fights for it.

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Be Part of a Collective Voice

Be Part of a Collective Voice








As a member of the NUJ, you are part of a united force championing the rights of media workers and defending press freedom. Successful workplaces are those where the management and workers share the same aims and talk to each other.

Being a member of the NUJ means giving yourself and colleagues a real voice at work.

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Respect at Work

Respect at work








The NUJ challenges work cultures that lead to bullying and harassment. It will represent you if you experience this behaviour. It uses its collective voice industry-wide to argue that media workers are treated with respect.

We promote workplaces where workers and managers are constructive with their criticism during the creative process, and the union publishes codes of conduct and dignity at work policies.

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Diversity Matters

Diversity matters








The media industry is one of the most socially exclusive. The NUJ fights to make the workplace socially inclusive and representative of the diverse society it serves.

We protect the rights of our members and strive to ensure that media companies foster recruitment, promotion and retention of people from all backgrounds. The union has a proud record of challenging all forms of discrimination.

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Career Opportunities

Career oppotunities








The NUJ provides a range of professional training opportunities, masterclasses, workshops and on-line learning which can help you upgrade your journalistic or business skills or give you tips and guidance if, say, you move from a staff post to become a freelance.

Networking events allow members to make contacts, swap news of vacancies or freelance commissions and share tips on developing your career.

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Flexible Working

Flexible working








Juggling a family and working can be tricky. Flexible working agreements are a vital tool in protecting part-time workers and women returning from maternity leave, boosting the retention of skilled staff and ensuring parents and individuals with caring responsibilities can balance their work demands with family life.

The NUJ negotiates progressive approaches to flexible working and lobbies for improvements to employment law.

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Journalists' Rights

Journalists' rights








The NUJ fights for journalists' rights, freedom of expression and ethical journalism. We support reporters in protecting their sources, photographers from having their footage taken by the authorities and media workers from surveillance.

The union's cross-party parliamentary group gives the NUJ a voice on legislation which affects its members.

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The union puts on events for media workers to come together to share their knowledge and expertise. These can be by sector, such as the freelance forums and photographers' summits, or cross-sector on issues that unite all media workers.

Students and newcomers can benefit from meeting experienced members in the industry.

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We Offer Support and Help

Support and help








The NUJ is your lifeline if you get arrested or the authorities try to confiscate your data or images. We chase non-payers, represent and support you during disciplinary or redundancy procedures or if you are being bullied or have other work-related problems.

We offer professional help with reporting guides and advice on ethics, networking opportunities and training to help you develop your skills throughout your career.

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