Guidance on rights at work in the UK.
Employment status
In the UK, your legal rights in the workplace depend on whether you are classed as an ‘employee’, ‘self-employed’ or a ‘worker’.
Employment contracts
In the UK, whichever employment status you fall into, your rights might come from your contract of employment, if you have one.
Working hours and breaks
Limits to the length of the working day and week are set out in the Working Time Regulations.
Holidays and holiday pay
If you are a full-time worker, you have the right – from your first day of employment – to 5.6 weeks' holiday a year.
Discrimination and equality, including protected characteristics
Protection against discrimination in England, Wales and Scotland is provided by the Equality Act 2010, which brought together a number of different pieces of legislation.
Sick Pay and Sickness Absence
Your contract must give you details of your entitlement to sick pay.
Redundancy is usually a dismissal when a role is no longer needed.