Displaying 25 results

NUJ menopause guidance Feb 2024
The menopause is a workplace issue: guidance and policy for NUJ chapels and branches
NUJ Hi Viz - Issue 1
Issue one of the Health and Safety committee's newsletter explores work habits and health risks following the pandemic, latest activity from the campa...
Protecting the health & safety of pregnant workers. TUC toolkit for trade union reps.
This toolkit is designed to help union reps ensure that the health and safety of members who are pregnant is protected from the moment the rep becomes...

TUC guide April 2021. A safe return to the workplace.
The union approach to keeping workers safe as the UK Government eases restrictions following the third lockdown.

Coronavirus TUC guide (January 2021)
The coronavirus pandemic has created an unprecedented situation for public health and the economy. Thousands of lives have been lost in the UK and wor...

NUJ Branch January 2021
A special newsletter providing information and news for and from branches during the present crisis.

Freelance Charter
10-point charter for freelances rights and benefits.

NUJ Informed, Issue 32, August 2020
Union pulls together in time of Covid crisis and NUJ challenges government's unfair freelance aid package.

ICTU working from home guide
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has published a useful guide to working from home, setting out the legal entitlements and the law governing health ...

NUJ response to the BEIS committee inquiry into the impact of coronavirus on businesses and workers
The union's submission to the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy committee's inquiry into the impact of Covid-19, May 2020.

NUJ Branch July 2020
Annabelle Collins, Health Service Journal senior correspondent, reveals what it was like to work at the sharp-end as a specialist during the pandemic...

NUJ Branch June 2020
Michelle Stanistreet on her evidence session on the future of journalism to members of the Lords; Dominic Blake, FoC for BBC Radio Solent, on radio’s ...
ICTU Role of Lead Worker Representative
ICTU document focussing on the role of the Lead Worker Representative and provides advice on how it should be undertaken.

NUJ guidance – Covid-19 Health, safety, wellbeing & work
Health and Safety Committee notes for members, reps, chapels and branches.
NUJ guidance – home working inspections
Health and Safety Committee notes for members, reps, chapels and branches.

NUJ Branch May 2020
Update from Michelle Stanistreet on how the union is supporting members; NUJ survey reveals hardship caused by the pandemic; how to be rep from the bo...

Mental Health Awareness Week 2020
This year’s mental health awareness week (18-24 May) finds us in strange and difficult times – in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Preparing for the return to work outside the home: A trade union approach
This TUC report sets out what we believe the government must do now to ensure a safe transition from lockdown, looking at how to safely return to work...

Coronavirus - Help for union reps from the TUC
Guidance from the TUC to give you an understanding of the workplace issues in the context of COVID-19 and to provide support in being effective at neg...

Protecting workers’ safety in the coronavirus pandemic
Keeping the economy running must be balanced with workers’ welfare and wider public health objectives.