Equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) represents our core values and is at the heart of the NUJ’s work. Our aim is to ensure that not only our union but that journalists are truly representative of the communities they serve, giving every individual the opportunity to realise their potential, free from barriers, prejudice, and discrimination.
We strive to ensure people are treated fairly and with dignity. Celebrating those from diverse backgrounds bringing their skills, knowledge, and perspectives to the workplace, whilst creating richer environments in which everyone feels respected and able to achieve their full potential.
Our equality work takes many forms, through our legal work, industrial work, our campaigns, our union representatives, and lay activists, through the NUJ Code of Conduct via our Ethics Council; in addition to our dedicated equality strands made up of:
If you want more information on EDI, the NUJ has a range of guides available for members and resources for union representatives.
If you feel you are experiencing any form of discrimination or unfair treatment contact your union chapel or branch representative, local NUJ office or email [email protected].
We are always keen to welcome new members to the councils, no experience is required, just a keen interest in EDI issues. All full union members can stand for election and we encourage you to get involved.
The equality work can be organised around your existing commitments, if you would like more information please contact [email protected] or look on the relevant equality strands pages to see if there are vacancies in the industry group that you work in.